Friday, 7 October 2011


Here in the UK, October is designated 'Black History Month'. Personally, I'm quite ambivalent about the whole thing. On the one hand, I totally understand the reasoning behind it. As an Afrikan (my preferred expression for 'Black people') myself I am well aware of the injustices and disparity suffered by Afrikans throughout the ages and that things have hardly improved even today. I also have personal experience of the so called 'education' shitstem in this country and, from this experience (and I accept that this was a good few years ago), I know that in History lessons Africa and its inhabitants were only referred to in connection with slavery and the 'Scramble for Africa'. Perhaps things have moved on since my school days but I seriously doubt it.

On the other hand, by adopting this one month per year to highlight the historical achievements of Afrikans, we're almost giving permission for 'Black History' to be ignored for the other eleven months. Also, those that have a genuine interest in 'Black History' will seek it out regardless of what the calendar says, and those that have an interest in keeping Afrikans down will use 'Black History Month' as fuel for their Fascist fire - "Why do the niggers get their own month?" "What have they done to deserve it?" et cetera, et cetera...

Anyway, regardless of my personal misgivings, I'm still pleased to see a group of (comparatively) young folks making the effort to change history back to mystory. I would have been even more pleased if they'd managed to include contributions from some of our sisters but you (or me in this case) can't always get what you want.

On a completely different subject, you may recall me telling you about Dray Delta and his Flow Reel Two mixtape earlier this year. One of the tracks on it was an amusing beseech by Dray to the women who wear ill fitting Ugz (or however it's spelled) to stop it. Fdot1 took it upon himself to inject a layer of quality into the production that was lacking from the original mixtape version, which leads us neatly to the video above.

I confess to being very ignorant when it comes to Scottish Hip Hop, so I have no clue whether Madhat Mcgore is a big name, small name or no name at all up there. However, I don't really give a fuck about a person's reputation, especially in the music game. While I don't think that this is the best thing I've ever heard, it is very far from the worst and, IMO, is at least worth a listen or two.

Enough from me for another week, but please feel free to keep me up to date with whatever project you're working on by hitting me up on Twitter or Facebook.

One Love, Spy!